Museum Nasional Indonesia by YAPH Design Group
Established in January 2013, Our Indonesia based Design Consultant is focused on delivering accented design experience with commitment to design service excellence.
PT. YAPH Design Group or well known as YAPH STUDIO has been received 3rd Winner National Monument Inerior Design Competition 2019, Merit Award in BCI ASIA Interior Design Awards 2017, and finalist in Dulux Designer Awards 2016. Our Founder and Principal Yudhistira A.P. Harahap., HDII ; a Certified Interior Designer from Indonesian Society of Interior Designer have been years experienced in Hadiprana Design Consultant. His got Bachelor degree in Interior Design and Master degree in Lighting Design from Institut Teknologi Bandung, also Diploma degree in International Business Study from Universitas Padjadjaran. He always create the design not only from the aesthetic aspect but also the market perspective. Our design and support team also consist of the best qualified person within its field. |
I 2022 I Jury - Sayembara Desain Fasilitas Kemahasiswaan ITB I Jury - Sayembara Tugas Akhir Universitas Kristen Maranatha I 2021 | Speaker - Basic Project Management - Institut Teknologi Bandung | Speaker - Creative Industry in Design Nowadays - Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (HDII), Kenari Djaja, Asrinesia, Universitas Mercu Buana | Speaker - Digital World and Generative Design in Retail Design Industry - Universitas Tarumanegara | Speaker - Workshop MBKM - Institut Teknologi Nasional | Jury - Consilio Online Exhebition - Universitas Maranatha | Speaker - E-Internship - Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (HDII) | Speaker - Studio V - Universitas Maranatha | 2020 | Mentor - E-Internship - Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (HDII) | Jury - Furniture Design Competition - Universitas Maranatha | 2019 | Speaker - Designer Talk VII - Heritage Conservation and Museum Design - Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (HDII) | Speaker - Local Genuine Exploration in Interior Design - Institut Teknologi Nasional | Speaker - Interior Element and Trend - Universitas Maranatha | Speaker - Museum Design Competition - Bina Nusantara University | Jury - National Student Final Exam - Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (HDII) | Speaker - Stories Behind the Projects - Bandung Design Bienalle | 2018 | Speaker - Project Sharing - Universitas Maranatha | Speaker - Profesionalism in Design Industry - Institut Teknologi Nasional | 2017 | Speaker - Project Sharing - TELKOM University | Jury - Student Final Exam - Universitas Maranatha | 2016 | Speaker - Relationship Between Clients and Designers - Universitas Maranatha | 2015 | Speaker - Residential Project Sharing - Universitas Maranatha |